Archive for comic
I was sawing some aluminum flat bar into an irregular shape, with some little hobby saws that really aren’t made for it. Got my wrist feeling like there’s bits rattling around inside it. It’s getting better, but it’s not to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
My wrist is a lot better, now. It still occasionally lets me know that it’s not %100, yet. But, it’s a lot better than last week. This page isn’t short because of my injury. It’s because I’m short on[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Sand Everywhere
I think too much of that first frame got cropped off. She’s pulling her glove off, by squeezing it between her arm and her side. ‘Cause, y’know? Her other hand isn’t really in any shape to do an grasping, at[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
100 Yard Monster Toss
Never meddle in the affairs of werewolves. Seriously. It’s rude. They’re busy, they got stuff goin’ on. Vote, at TWC.