We did have a plumbing problem, which did seriously screw with my schedule. It was actually the opposite of that drawing. We lost almost all of our water pressure. Makes showering interesting, lemme tell ya. I live in the boondocks,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Chapter 2
Block’d Again
Sorry to do a second filler in a row, in the middle of a chapter. Creative block hit me, again. Feels like that blank piece of paper is kicking my ass, sometimes. Hopefully, we’ll be back to the comic,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Say Please
If you can feel what the werewolf is saying, in your chest, and he’s not talking that loudly, you best do what he says. I’m just sayin’. Meanwhile, Bernie remains the most colorful belle at the ball. 😉 […]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Hailing Frequencies Open
Apparently, the off switch was too simple. Oh yeah, the scout. Remember that guy? At least he’s still following that order not to get killed. Voting is not an order, but it is appreciated.
Doctor’s Orders
Yes, that is a Pixie Stick, in her mouth. I’ve had this image in mind, since the “Pixie Stix” joke. Also, turns out I’m misspelling that. Apparently, it’s spelled “Pixy Stix.” I did not know that. I have to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Minor Omission
Seems that Grudge may occasionally forget small details. Totally just an accident, I’m sure. I’m sure he wouldn’t leave something like out intentionally, over some accidental slight. Why, a guy called “Grudge” would never do something like that. Yeah,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Talking to Myself
This was one of those “The idea popped into my head, and I had to do it.” pages. That said, drawing Grudge’s expressions was fun. Articulated ears, man. I love ’em. I do feel a little bad for him, in[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Y’know? I don’t think those guys are alone there! I have come to deeply regret giving my villains, this chapter, those vests covered in MOLLE straps. I can’t seem to keep them straight on the vests, or even a[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Tail of Woe
Most of the way through this page, I realized that this guy’s upper tusks remind me of a handlebar mustache. Now, I can not unsee! Dunno why I decided to make tusk guy’s eyes purple. I just wanted a[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Easier Said, than Done
Welp, he’s screwed. He broke her Pixy Stick. Pantherine’s have very human like lips. I’ve been hinting at this in profile views, for years. Well before the reboot, in fact. This is just the first time I’ve shown the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…