So many things about this one that I’m not happy with. I want more texture, but I’m not sure what, or where. I’m still not sure about going the usual Technothrope naked route. Wearing clothes was something that always set[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Archive for technothrope
Some minor tweaks, to the Technothrope Queen’s design. Also decided to give her a proper place to sit. Used to have her on kind of a generic couch, before. What up, wit’ dat? Still planning to get the next[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Well, he looks like a friendly sort. I’m sure they’ll be able to reason with him, and this will be a very short, non-violent mission. Right? Yeah, I spaced, on backgrounds, on this one. I really do want to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Nothing like the deafening staccato of a submachine-gun in close quarters. Even with that silencer, it’s gonna be loud. There’s honestly a lot on this page I’m not happy about, but there are a few things I like. Most[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I do seem to have a thing for characters that can shake off grievous injury, and get annoyed by it. Head-shots. Good for zombies, druggies, and many other monsters. Vote, at TWC!
Yeah, I went for the easy gag. I’m having a little writer’s block, on how to handle this next bit. Sorry. Return of the derp eyes! Vote at TWC.
I still don’t know what this place should look like, so shadows! I really got nothing else to say about this page, so see you next week! Vote at TWC