I hope that conditions surrounding the finishing of this page haven’t adversely affected it. My web host updated some software on the server, and it broke the site and the forum. The site was an easy fix. The forum? Well, it would have been fine, if I’d bothered to keep the software up to date. Then, I couldn’t get it to update, which was more operator error. I wound overwriting the entire forum, with a fresh install. The site was recently moved to a new server, the copy on the old server hasn’t been wiped, yet. I was able to access that copy of the forum and make a back up of it. Unfortunately, I keep running into an error message, when I try to restore to that backup. Fighting with all of that seriously ate into comic drawing time, it’s way past time I was in bed.


If I can get the forums restored, I will. If I can’t, I don’t know that I’m interested in doing anything with the new install. The forums have frankly always been deserted waste land. Only two or three people besides myself post there. I’ve never been able to keep the spammers away, and I don’t have anyone to police the place, when I’m not there. I think it’s time to write them off as a lost cause. For now, they’re locked.


Still begging for taking votes, at TWC!